Thank you.
Your donation is hugely appreciated and we will contact you shortly. Payment details for Paypal, a bank transfer or the Mahler Foundation 501(c)(3) are given below. Please let us know if you have any questions or problems by writing to Guy Robertson at or calling 0044 7735459614.
Payment Details.
Tax effective donations from supporters in the US, via Mahler Foundation 501(c)3
Checks payable to ‘Mahler Foundation’
Addresses for checks:
US: 19 Essex st #8, NYC NY 10002
UK: 41 Farley Road, London, SE6 2AA
IT: Via Brignone 18, Spoleto 06049 PG
A receipt will be provided for your tax records.
For direct bank transfers, please contact us for details.
Bank Transfer directly to Mahler & LeWitt Studios
ACC. 12060,43 IBAN IT 53 C 01030 21800 000001206043 BIC/SWIFT PASCITMMSPO ADDRESS Monte Dei Paschi di Siena, Via Flaminia, 5, 06049 Spoleto, Italia.
For annual donations we can either be in contact to arrange the transfer at your convenience or you can enter the above details in the ‘Bill Pay’ or ‘Standing Order’ area of your online banking, or talk to your Bank Manager. Please be aware that some banks will charge an international transfer fee.
To make payment by Paypal click on the button below. We will receive the donation in Euros – Paypal will automatically convert your donation from your local currency to Euros at a competitive rate. Giving by Paypal is simple and secure, does not require the donor to have a Paypal account and can be done in seconds by clicking below!