Jonathan Monk, Sol LeWitt Rules
Artist Edition

A new series of sculptures by Jonathan Monk titled Sol LeWitt Rules (ceramic, approx. 30 x 3 x 1.5 cm, 2024), produced by Fabio Veschini at the ceramic workshop La Gioconda in Deruta which worked closely with Sol LeWitt on the production of ceramic plates and tiles.
Monk created the edition as part of his residency at the Mahler & LeWitt Studios and subsequent exhibition ‘SL’ in the Torre Bonomo for the Spoleto Festival dei Due Mondi 67, curated by Vittoria Bonifati. The exhibition explored the direct and indirect connections between the work of Monk and LeWitt (see installation photographs of the rulers in ‘SL’ below and the related exhibition page here).
Jonathan Monk: My first show with Yvon Lambert’s Paris gallery was in 1997 and I continued working with him until he closed in 2014. At some point in the early 2000’s Yvon gave me a ruler. Stamped into the top are the initials ‘SL’ and I was told that twenty years earlier Sol LeWitt left it behind after installing a show. This 30cm ruler was the starting point for the edition and the related publication.
Vittoria Bonifati: Jonathan Monk’s rulers aren’t straight. They don’t have any numbers or lines on them and each one is slightly different to the next. They are made by the process of extrusion; the clay is pushed manually through a metal profile modelled on the original ruler given to the artist by Yvon Lambert. Sol LeWitt Rules was produced at the historic ceramic workshop La Gioconda in Deruta, which in the 1980’s worked closely with Sol LeWitt on the production of his ceramic plates and tiles.
Sol LeWitt Rules is an edition of 100 and has been generously donated to the Mahler & LeWitt Studios by the artist. All proceeds support our programs. Each ruler is available for a donation of 120euros, plus postage and packaging. To donate and receive an edition, please email with your postal address and you will be sent a unique donation link.
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A related publication and poster is available from Viaindustriae Publishing.